Get to Know Me & My Philosophy


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About Me

Renee Pena-Lopez MSED & Early Childhood Learning Specialist

I would love to think if Maria Montessori and Mister Rodgers had a baby, it would be me.

Let me back up, on how I got here:

As a premie to deaf parent's my language was delayed by six months and I didn't know it, but I became a neurodiverse (Dyslexic) Little from birth; and I am so proud to be one!!!

I was the kid fueled by my love of dance, Hooked on Phonic +  Nancy Drew, only child perfectionism and tons of curiosity is what got me to get a full ride at Bard. Where I learned how I learned (papers were my kryptonite, as I type I am googling how to spell) and wept why I didn't get the help sooner.

As I always say, you don't know what you don't know. (Why I love sharing resources like my podcast.)

Fast forward to working in an Enrichment Center on UWS, where I fell in love with Early Childhood, Early Foundations, Advocating for Others, and made sense of my past.

This changed my career course... I became a SEIT (a what?), Special Education Itinerant Teacher, my zone of genius.

My Approach

Play, Relationships, Connection

But it is my life as a Mom that called me to hone in The Magic of Littles.

My Pumpkin's rejection of Early Intervention twice, being label "the troubled kid" despite being her mother, a person who helps other Littles connect with others through play. I was at my wits end. I wanted to share with them real support, but didn't know how.

And then it hit me, despite all the knowledge I know as a teacher, they only know what they know as their teaching experience, not mine. So, what else did they need to know? They were the front lines for my child!!! These teachers needed extra TLC and support around challenging behaviors.

And this is why I am the fake love child of Marie Montessori and Mister Rodgers. I want to take their work to the next level and bring Magic to all Littles who need extra TLC through their biggest champions: You! (A Teacher of Littles)

Let's work together and bring magic to the world.

Work With Me
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