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The Heart of Play Summary

Updated: Jan 30, 2021

I wanted to be able to share nuggets of the old show with you.

IEP tips

This esp is about how to make sense of IEP goals.

Kids are more than their recipes…more than their IEPs!”

I hear this all the time from Early Childhood Teachers, “I am not a special education teacher. What the deal with this IEP goal?” 

here is the podcast show.

The Heart of Play: Why Hygge Matters with Kimberly Smith

This show is about

"We need to do take care of ourselves and equip ourselves in the best possible way that we can so that we have more to give in today’s teaching practice."

You can listen to the show here.

Movement is building blocks of Play with Robyn

Did you know that 25% of students struggle with learning also struggle with basic motor tasks by they are 5.  

So you know, you have what I call movers and you know, those movers are in your class, you know, group those movers together, and for one minute a day, do a reading activity that requires movement.”

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